Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

What are you thankful for?

Derek: "I'm thankful that God gives us the daily opportunity to be blessed
and for my family"

Kaveri: "I'm thankful that us all love Jesus and he loves us. And I'm thankful that we are nice to
eachother and love eachother."

Kirstin: "I'm thankful for a loving family and our Thanksgiving feast."

Kylie: "Um for MiKayla, daddy, momma, Kirstin, Kaveri and Emma and um
a happy snowman, santa clause, and presents"

And Me: I'm thankful for my family, our health, our happiness, and our closeness.
I'm thankful for the Lord, his wisdom and forgiveness.
 I'm thankful for the roof over our heads, our warm beds,
the food on our table and the means to support our family.
I'm thankful for my craftiness.
And last- I'm thankful that the woman in my life helped
provide me with the knowledge to cook a homemade
Thanksgiving dinner for my family.
So everyone thank God.
 Hug your loved ones.
And have a happy turkey day!

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