Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Kylie's 12!

 Siblings 😄
More specifically, brothers😂😂

Kylie Rae, I wish I could freeze time.
This year has been a great year for you.
You have had some awesome personal
 growth and your
personality is really shining.
You set a goal for yourself and brought
all your grades up and kept them up all year!
You love to cook and bake.
Your always trying to cook your
sisters lunch and when I 
wake up in the morning half of the time
 there is something baked😄
Your so funny and very entertaining
with all of your weird voices.
You have officially out grown
 Kaveri by at least an inch
and your currently trying to 
master the penny board🛹

We can't wait to see what the next year
holds for you.

Happy 12th birthday girlie🎉🎉🎉