Saturday, January 12, 2019

Kaveri Gene is 12

Kaveri*6th grade*12 yrs old
mother faints of sadness and shock

Kirstin made Kaveri's special cake.
A chocolate smores cake with toasted marshmallow frosting.

We celebrated her birthday at home 
and then Kirstin took her to the mall
for some special birthday shopping.
They had so much fun !👗
She came home and we did a fashion show.
She lit up with each change of clothes,
it was really sweet.

Part of me can't believe she is 12 but 
the other part of me feels like she is older.
She is mature for her age. All of 
her friends call her the mother of the group.
This year she has been enjoying helping more with dinner.
She loves to organize.
She goes to her besties house and cleans
her room and organizes her toys,
just like i did when i was her age🤣
She has been working really hard in school.
She loves bringing home all of her grades 
and seeing the hard work pay off!
She packs her school lunch every night.
She is in 6th grade and has NEVER eaten a school lunch.
It cracks me up but she says the food is disgusting
 and the cafeteria line is a "hot mess."
This year a boy asked her to be his girlfriend and
she replied "don't come at me with that nonsense!"
She loves cute pillows and has about 10 on her bed.
Every morning she makes her bed and neatly 
puts each pillow in a certain order. 
It makes me smile every time I look at it :)

I just love watching her grow into her own skin.
She is still goofy,loves to sing and dance,
 loves to wrestle, and plays 
school,home,store,waitress,barbies etc.
Although now the barbies are in high school
and it's all very dramatic🤣🤣
I get the play by play from her and her bestie.

💜Happy Birthday Kaveri, we love you so much💜

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