Saturday, May 16, 2020

It's The Boys Turn

 One week later we celebrated
the birthday boy turning 7🎉🎉

 He woke up first thing in the morning and
put on his chosen outfit.
He quickly moved onto present opening
in his collared shirt and tie,
while everyone else watched
 in their jammies🤣

There's a new toy out that you "pop" these little
slime filled pieces and get a surprise.
Everyone really liked them.
They remind me of boogers🤣 

 The day after his birthday we were all hanging
 outside on a chilly day,
I looked over and suddenly Daniel looked 7.

Daniel Eliyahu, 
you are growing just too fast.
You still call us mommy and daddy.
I hope we have a few more yrs of that.
Your energetic and constantly using
the couch as a ninja jumping spot.
"Mommy watch this!"
You love math.
You have played a lot of math games
 online during the virus and
if you miss even one ,
you will redo the entire activity.
You love Sonic,Spider-man, Mario, Kirby, and
Little Big Planet.
Gabriella is your side kick.
If she is offered anything, her
first response is always "Daniel too?"
Big Brother, you love it!
This year has been the year of questions.
"When will I be big like dad?"
"When can I grow a beard like dad?"
"What will I do for a job?"
"When will I meet my wife?"
"How do I get a baby?"😳😄

Let's just focus on being 7.

We love you so much bub!

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