Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Summer Update-Lots of Pictures

First lets catch you up on Kirstins current back situation.
Here is the short version-
At the end of March Kirstin 
started having some severe back pain. 
After a trip to the E.R we found out she
was born with a cyst in her back that had
a 50/50 chance of ever bothering her.
It started to grow and was putting pressure
on her spine causing the horrible pain.
We were directed to a specialist and
she had surgery the first Monday of May.

The wound was several inches deep,
(down to her spine)
in order for it to heal properly it
had to remain open.
She had a wound vac which is basically
a machine that you carry everywhere with you and it
creates negative pressure on the wound helping
it heal from the inside out and collects all the drainage.
It cuts the healing time in half or more.
She basically was on bed rest for 6 weeks.
No school, no work, no honors banquet,
no nothing!
Other than her dr appointments that were every 2-3 days.
She was definitely going stir crazy.
Luckily, she has some great friends that hung out here
so she wasn't bored to death.

The first time she really left the house was for her birthday
dinner. She wore the wound vac like a purse.
Every appointment we went to was very painful.
Every position she sat or laid in was painful.
If she moved to much it upset the wound vac.
Plus ,wound vacs smell,it wasn't pleasant.
It was scary.
There were plenty of tears and 
tons of frustration.
But we are finally coming out the other side.
For a few weeks after her wound vac
treatment Derek had to pack her
wound with gauze everyday.
Eventually it became shallow enough,
 to not require packing.
However she is having another 
surgery in about a week
to remove some tissue, clean it up, and officially close it.
We are praying she finally heals and 
she is able to put this surgery behind us.
In the meantime, this cutie was officially
medically cleared for work and she got a job
at Red Robin as a host and To-Go specialist🙌🙌
ANDDD She was also officially
 medically cleared for DRIVING!😀

Besties since kindergarten.

Yummy messy watermelon every single week🍉🍉🍉

Our yard bunny family had some adorable babies🐰

 Playing with his sisters hair.

Always cuddling this 100 pound baby.
Just your usual summer snorkel in the tub🏊
 Sleep-overs galore!

 This cutie lost his first tooth🦷

 "Bub smile so I can see your missing tooth"
We trust our daughter. She has a lot of freedom, 
because she has earned it.
But as a mom I have to keep her on her toes.
You never know when I'm going 
to check up on you.
This particular day was a random
"send me a pic of you covering one of 
courts eyes and her covering one of yours."
My crazy random check ups make 
for some laughs and great pics😀
# mommingit

I hope everyone had an awesome summer🌞
We are all sad it is coming to a close.
School is right around the corner
and we have a really big year ahead of us
full of changes.
Throw some prayers our way if you get a chance💖

*Stay tuned for an amazing 
home project update
that is almost complete!

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