Thursday, December 19, 2013

It's Hard to Say Goodbye....

Our beloved dog Natas has passed away
just shy of his 9th birthday.
Lots of hurting hearts.

For the first time in 12 years we are petless.
I will cherish all my memories.
My sister holding 1 wk old Kaveri
2006-Derek home on two week leave form Iraq
Me pregnant with Kylie, sleeping with Kirstin , Kaveri, and the pup.

The 100+ lb dog, that never snipped or even 
growled at any of our children, even
when they used him as a jungle gym or horse.
3 yr old Kirstin
Baby Kaveri
Baby Kylie
Playing dress-up with MiKayla.
Baby Boy

The dog that protected us with his nightly 
room inspections.

The pup that kept me company
while my husband was in Iraq.

The sweet boy that followed us everywhere 
we went in the house, even if
it was a five minute trip upstairs to grab something.

The dog that sat in the kitchen every day while
I prepared family meals :)

Some things I will miss most:
-the way his paws sound on the hardwood floor
-his wagging tail/booty
especially when he came in from outside
-the way that no matter how old he got, 
he had a puppy face
-fresh paw prints in the snow
-his constant need to sit on your feet
-his eyes
First time in the snow.
Watching a storm.

Love his smile.

It was fun looking through 9 years of pictures.
So many precious memories.
Such a loyal dog.
Best of the best!


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