Thursday, September 22, 2011

MiKayla - almost 16 months

MiKayla is getting so big. She is amazingly smart.
Walking everywhere. Following the girls up and down the stairs.
She is so funny. Great personality if i might add:)
She can say: yes, bye-bye, hi,dada, mama
And of course alot of stuff we can't understand but she fully expects us to!

Top Five Current Favorites:

1.At dinner time when we pray she holds my hand and Kylie's hand and while Derek is blessing the food she is whispering "humssohiasokoimhumei"
then when we say amen she claps.

2. When i go to the bathroom she follows and gets me toilet paper.
sometimes pretend wiping herself first.
(i have put her on the potty and she laughs but no actual peeing yet)

3. She is a total daddy's girl. she smiles when he comes home and cries at the door when he leaves.
Anytime he is laying down she wants to be his snuggle bunny. and she is constantly giving him hugs and kisses. while playing she will stop and go make sure she knows where he is.
and most of the time if she gets hurt she goes to him.
(he looks at me and laughs-he has one of them)

4. she loves to dance and it is so funny. she has this squatting move down!

5.MiKayla is great at pretend play. She can fake cry
 (like we need that)
She makes the  little noises when she pours tea into a cup. she makes little noises when she eats pretend food, and she pretend chews! when she pushes a train or barbie car she makes that moving car noise that kids make. all of these things she has learned from her big sisters. but she picks them up fast.

I am loving her sweet spirit. I am in love with her hair color, which is most like mine. Little red in there:) 
I can't resist her smile.

on a different note:
I am wondering daily why not one of my girls has my freckles or chubby cheeks?

p.s. MiKayla is running a high fever and is extremely fussy.
Her throat is not looking good.
Much needed prayer as we head to the emergency room.
p.s.s she has strep throat:/

1 comment:

  1. Ahh Misti, MiKayla has gotten so mature looking. After we moved she has passed from baby to mature toddler. And she is soo pretty!!
    We miss hanging out with yall. Tell daddy that he gets the Best Daddy Award because any one can see that he allows Christ's Love to radiate out of him unto all the girls Christ has entrusted to him.
    Thank you for this update and of course the pictures bring tears to my eyes. I wished we all lived close.
    love you all, momma
    Dont forget SKYPE this wkend


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