Sunday, February 18, 2018

He's Growing Fast!

Samson is now 9 months old.
Still technically a pup yet he's
bigger than more breeds already.

Helping dad take the girls to school.

In case you were wondering, he loves snuggles
and he has no idea what the meaning of 
person space is.

The boy is very much in love with "his" puppy.

He is so long!

Look closely, little Jonah is in the middle :)

When Samson and Shiloh play,
Jonah watches from on top of the couch 
and barks. It's the only safe way he can 
join in the rough housing.

****It is quite annoying.****
And why do they always need to play when
I'm making a phone call?!

Real life, back of the ugly basement door.
We really wanted to see how much he would grow so 
he gets weighed and measured on the first of every month.
He's up to 78 lbs.

Samson is still in that overzealous, excited, hyper 
growing pup stage but
he is maturing and 
follows commands pretty well.
He can sit, lay, shake both paws, 
and speak/bark.
We have not mastered how to 
not go crazy when the door bell rings
and he is leery of new people.
But he is quickly become a big part of our lives.

Love ya Sammie!