Friday, September 6, 2019

It's Officially School Time

Two nights before school started we 
of course had to do a hair refresher.
Everyone got a hair cut and fresh new color.


 I hope your enjoying all these awkward smiles๐Ÿ˜†

3rd,5th, and Kindergarten!

The 2 older saying goodbye to the 3 younger.

This beautiful SENIOR had her second surgery the
first day of school.
She is officially in cyber school and has many
more options for classes.
So far she is most excited about Criminology, 
Honors Spanish 4, History of the Holocaust,
and ASL. (American Sign Language)

I bawled my eyes out when Derek left with Daniel.
I was emotional and anxious the entire day.
3 o' clock felt like it would never come!
We picked the kids up for our 
first day of school ice-cream tradition.๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿง

He's having a little trouble adjusting.
He says the days are too long and go too slow.
He still cries a little every morning and 
sometimes at bed time.
He gets over the top excited when he sees
his dad through the glass windows after school.
These girls have been in the same class every year
since kindergarten. 
We actually met Isabella on the playground
a week before kindergarten started and when
we walked in on the first day it was such 
a fun surprise to see her there.
They have been besties ever since.
First grade cuties.

The week before school started there
was a 7th grade orientation.
They came home crying that all the kids
were acting crazy, cussing, yelling, and
talking about fighting now that they are
officially high schoolers.
Kirstin was already enrolled in cyber
so we yanked them out and I enrolled
them in cyber as well. 
They have been at our house for school
for the past 2 weeks getting used to 

Isabella's grandpa made this
classroom for them.
They are so excited and heading there next week!
Thankfully it's just a few blocks down if they
ever need help with anything.

So far, everyone is adjusting pretty well.
Hopefully we can get into a good school routine
and everyone will find this years path.๐Ÿซ๐ŸŽ

I hope everyone's babes are liking their teachers 
and adjusting to their new classes.

Prayers Always Welcomed and Appreciated!๐Ÿ’œ

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