Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Daniel Eliyahu-6

Next up on the birthday train is Daniel.
He was so excited and bouncing around and
most of my pics are a little blurry but
they are so cute with his birthday happiness 😍

He was only a smidge excited🀣🀣

 Boston cream pie was his request and he
has decided he wants it every year on his birthday.

 His face!!!! 

It has been 13 days since these pictures were
taken and our hedges are completely green now πŸ™‚πŸƒ

I can not even with these adorable pics!!!!
Also,remember that winking practice I mentioned?
Yea, she's got it downπŸ˜‰

Daniel Eliyahu, you are naturally special
in the family for obvious reasons.
I.E. You are the only boy πŸ’™
I love that we get to all experience a piece of  boy life.
You love super heros, guns, swords, video games,
ninja warrior, and rough housing.
You are so funny and you love 
playing jokes on people.
You are just crazy about the dogs,
especially Shiloh.
Your a great big brother to Gabriella,
making sure to include her and always showing
her how to do stuff.
You HATE bugs!
You are a hugger (and I loveeeee it)
At least once a day you will
randomly hug someone and say
"I love my family."
It is SO sweet!!!

I can not believe you are 6.
I wish I could go back in time
and smother you with hugs and kisses
as a bald baby, then a bald one year old,
a bald 2 year old,and 
then a thin mullet 3 year old, ect!
I would relive everyday if I could.
I love you so much birthday boy!

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