Friday, June 19, 2015

MiKayla-age 5-2015

MiKayla: sensitive,caring,
beautiful, and loving

 You just turned 5. It's hard for me
to even see you as a 5 year old.
You are the smallest five year old we 
have ever had. So petite and dainty.
Even your walk and your run is dainty.
Your little voice is still squeaky.
You are a daddy's girl. He makes
your special milk every morning. He sneaks
you little chocolates in the afternoon.
And everyday you ask him if he thinks 
your dress is pretty, or if your hair is pretty,
or if he likes the picture you colored.
You still call him dada and he calls you his baby.

You call yourself a girly-girl.
You love to wear dresses/skirts and leggings.
I don't think you have worn jeans in over a year.
Not even when it snowed!
You wear your hair in a bun on top
of your head with a bow most days.
But your favorite and most particular
thing to wear is your socks.
You HAVE to have socks on everyday,
everywhere, at all times. Your favorites
are the tall knee length ones. When they get
holes and you have to throw them away you cry.

You love to color and you love to draw.
You take time doing so and hang your pictures 
in special places.
You are the best pretend player I have ever seen.
You are so detailed and imaginative.
I love to watch you play when you are alone
and its quiet.
Recently you set up all your toys and they had a birthday party.
They sang happy birthday and even opened presents.
It was so sweet.

You are very sensitive and hate when others
are mad at you.
You love to talk and you ask alot of questions.
You teach your brother things and I love to hear you
two laughing together.

You are our little MiMi.

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