Sunday, August 30, 2015

Survival of the First Week of School

Kaveri - 3rd grade
Kylie- 1st grade

Kylie made friends with some twin boys and
"they sound just alike!"

Kaveri  and Isabella are in the same class for the 4th year 
and she is grateful.
She has also made a new friend named Sophie that is so sweet.

Dancing the first day of school jig.

This year they both have "boy" teachers
and its "so cool"

Kirstin has started 8th grade.
There is a girl in her class whose name
is Kirstin- spelled the same way, she 
has the same number of siblings, and
likes to play zombies. her clone in an alternate universe
except right here in PA :)

We are all trying to get into the new routine.
It takes some getting used to.
Prayer is gladly excepted :) 

Summer is over so here's Some Summer Randomness

Yes, they were really sleeping like this....

She is yawning and practicing her kicks,
he is naked and killing zombies.

Shiloh turned one.

Kirstin mastered meatloaf  making.
New bird family in the front yard.
you can NEVER get tired of the french bakery.
We had a talent show.
Little boy tushie in ninja turtle undies.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hangin' Out

We got to hang out here for the day:

10 types of tomatoes, squash,zucchini,corn, peas,
green and yellow beans, carrots,peppers, and cucumbers.

The corn is so tall and almost ready to pick.

God's beautiful bounty.

tomato rainbow.

Then we swam for a couple of hours.

Its such a blessing that our friends allow us 
to come and go as we please.